web analytics

I was recently contacted by a woman named Emily from Digital Enterprises, Inc regarding the Technology Bytes web site. In the e-mail she complimented the web site and began to speak frankly about driving Web traffic to our humble enterprise. It was real friendly and seemed actually personable…

I run a website also, and would like to see if there are ways we can work
together to benefit both our businesses

She went on to say how great our site is and that is was deemed “worthy” of this offer

We feel your site meets our quality guidelines and would be a good fit.

The gist of the contact was that Digital Enterprises, Inc hosted a site called Instant-Registry-Fixes and that they wanted to provide content to Geekradio.com in the form of unique and topical articles for the site. As she went on to explain, these articles would contain 3-5 embedded Web links and all we had to do is agree to leave these links in place when we published the articles on our site.

We are willing to supply you with “unique” content for your website in
the form of keyword rich articles written on topics related to both our
sites. All of your articles will be on interesting topics relating to the
windows registry or related computer topics and of course, will be search
engine friendly. These quality articles will help you in your search engine
rankings, and will never be published on another website. We are offering
you unique high-quality content for your website. In return for the free
articles, we want the links within the article to remain intact. We will put
links (3 to 5) into the article.

I took a little time to investigate and it turns out that Instant-Registry-Fixes is simply a portal run by Digital Enterprises, Inc to push a program called Regcure which is put out by a company called Pareto Logic and that Digital Enterprises, Inc is nothing more than a web marketing firm.

This is the kind of thing I truly despise. This type of marketing works very hard to make sure their web sites show up when computer users search the Web looking for solutions to their problems. If you go out and search for a solution to a registry problem you might stumble across Instant-Registry-Fixes site and find a few possible solutions. But what they want you to see if the download option for the Regcure program.


The site, and many others like it, serve only to sell the reader on the idea that a registry cleaning software is the best solution.

Once they get you to download and install the program it scans your computer and reports a ton of errors.

Sure the software and the scan of your system is free, but guess what? You’ll have to pay for the program before it will fix these so-called “errors.”

According to various articles I have read, the software is not very good and can actually be difficult to remove once installed. There have also been some web reports that indicate sites offer to sell the program for $9.99, but when the bill came the buyers discovered they were charged as much as $40.00. Google search Regcure Scam for some very interesting reading.

I have said it before, and I will say it again. I don’t believe in any program that claims to fix registry issues. They simply don’t work as advertised. Do not be suckered into this type of scam.

And for the record, we won’t be accepting any content for Geekradio.com from these modern day snake oil salesmen….

*note: Many sites offer Regcure for download. Most of them don’t mention the name of the product and just offer a download link. Be aware the downloadable file for Regcure is RegCureSetup_1_5.exe. If you see that file, cancel the download immediately!

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