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I have been talking to a lot of computer users who tell me their Windows computer clock will not stay set to the correct time since the time change this weekend.

If your system clock keeps reverting to the incorrect time, here is what I have found will fix it.

First, go to windowsupdate.microsoft.com and make sure you are fully patched. You can use the custom option if you want to exclude Internet Explorer 7.

Install all the patches, reboot and go back until there are no more high priority updates to be installed.

Once you are patched double click the clock down in the system tray. Go to the Time Zone tab and select any time zone other than the one you are in. Click apply. Then set it back to your time zone and make sure the check box that says “Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes” is checked and click apply.

You should see your system clock has now changed to the correct time.

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